You clicked on "privacy policy"?
Only a very thorough type of person clicks this link, and we're not making any judgements, but now that you're here, let us be very clear about our privacy standpoint when it comes to honouring your email address or any other personal data.
We do not share, sell, worship or burn any contact details that we receive, but rather treat them with the normal expected respect that one would with that of a friend. We will contact you if we feel it beneficial to you, and possibly us, or if by chance we send you a mail by accident, and trust us, it has happened, let's just hop on a call and we'll talk it out.
We expect mutual treatment of our contact details.
In relation to cookies, despite their deliciousness, we just don't use them.
We are hosted by godaddy so further details regarding their policy can be found on their homepage at
If anything about this policy is disagreeable or incomplete for your needs, please just ping us a message in the homepage form.